Thursday, November 10, 2022

The different types of jewellery through history

 Since it has been around for thousands of years, jewellery has experienced numerous alterations. The earliest pieces were made from natural materials like bone, wood, and shells and were often used as totem symbols or as part of religious ceremonies. Over time, jewellery became more refined and began to be made from more precious materials like gold, silver, and gemstones.


In the modern era, jewellery continues to evolve, with new materials and designs being constantly introduced. However, there are still a few basic types that remain popular throughout the ages. Well, here's a quick overview of and most well jewellery styles:


Rings: Rings are one of the oldest types of jewellery and have been worn for centuries by both men and women. They are often crafted from priceless precious metals such as gold or silver and can have jewels or other beautiful patterns placed into them.


Earrings: Earrings are another ancient type of jewellery that women once only wore. They are typically made from Precious metals or gems and are pierced through the earlobe. In some cultures, only certain women are allowed to wear earrings, such as married women or those of higher social status.


Necklaces: Necklaces have also been around for thousands of years and were once only worn by wealthy people or those of high status. Various materials, such as precious metals, diamonds, beads, or simply plain threads, can be used to create them. Today, necklaces are worn by individuals from all backgrounds and are often given as gifts on special occasions.


Bracelets: Bracelets are another popular type of jewellery that can be made from a variety of materials, including precious metals, gems, beads, cloth, or even just simple cords. They are often given as gifts on special occasions and worn as everyday accessories.

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